Monday, September 28, 2009

Because I'm addicted ...

Okay, so when my husband finds fifty thousand dollars on our credit cards, spent at The ScrapBox website, he can't blame me. His only option is to find Kelsey from Vanilla Joy, and hold her responsible!

Browsing through their website, looking for the item I want when I win Kelsey's contest, I found this little goodie:

Now isn't that the greatest idea?!? I'm always trying to figure out where to put my ice water when I'm crafting, and that's just the cutest idea! Just yesterday, I ended up spilling an entire (40 oz) cup of ice water all over my husband's freshly washed cammies because I put my cup on the less-than-balanced ironing board. I thought it would be out of the way, but all I had to do was brush by, and then, oops!

At only $19.95, I may just get one of these doohickies even if I don't win. My sanity, and my husband's cammies, will be greatly served!

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